
​​​​4:5 Ratio – Set 1

Click the buttons below and try to tell which A3-C#4 is beating 25% faster than the F3-A3.
Try to hear a 4:5 ratio between F3-A3 and the correct A3-C#4.
Use the words "Mi-ssi-ssi-ppi" and "U-ni-ver-si-ty" to try and feel the 4:5 ratio.
F3-A3 beats at 7.0 bps.

Go back to the quiz at:


to enter your answer.

Press the [F3-A3] button bellow and listen to the speed of this beating M3, F3-A3.

Then play each of these A3-C#4 M3s and quess which A3-C#4 is 25% faster than F3-A3?

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