Online Course – Ear Training for Piano Tuners – Start Here!
"Gee, You must have a good ear to be a piano tuner."
It's true, but the "Tuner's Ear" is different than a musician's ear. This course focuses primarily on improving and testing your "Tuner's Ear".
Having a good tuner's ear means you can easily hear beats. Beats are the pulsations in volume created in the higher frequencies when two interval notes are played that are not in tune.
Aural piano tuners basically play intervals and listen to the beats produced.
They listen to these beat speeds and tune one note to change these beat speeds by very small amounts.
Being able to clearly hear small differences in beat speeds is a required skill if you are to be able to tune a piano by ear.
Once a piano is tuned, its interval beat speeds will change chromatically by about 6%. So, in order for you to be able to tell if an interval is too fast or too slow, you must be able to hear beat speed differences that are less than 6%.
Fortunately (and incredibly) we are all born with this ability, and with very little practice, most humans are able to identify beat speed differences that are as low as 3% and even 2%.
Click the link below to be taken to the Beat Speed Difference Test and see how low you can get.
Next lesson - Test your Beat Speed Difference Sensitivity