How to Tune Pianos
The Hobby, Skill, and Career of Piano Tuning

ETD Piano Tuning with PianoMeter

A lot of people think I am anti-ETD. Nothing could be farther from the truth. ETDs do a fine job of setting intervals, and we should definitely use them, especially if setting intervals by ear is too difficult for us.

But setting interval sizes is not the most important element of good piano tuning. We should not spend too much time on this at the cost of other, far more important elements.

So, what is the most important element of a piano tuning, and which method is better to get that, ETD or by ear alone? Watch this video to find out:

If you made it through the video, you found out the answer. UNISONS!!!
However, there are two problems with using an ETD to tune a piano:
1) It can't confirm clean unisons because the needle/lights move around too much and
2) It can't help fix stability problems.

Stability, a crucial aspect, refers to the ability of a tuned string to maintain its pitch, even under the most vigorous playing. Insufficient stability can wreck pure unisons, and poor unisons wreck tunings.

That is why I have created this new ETD Piano Tuning Course.

We have developed a new way to tune a piano using an ETD based on clean and stable unisons instead of just correct interval sizes.

Look at some of the free lessons below and sign up to learn how to tune a piano with clean and stable unisons using an ETD!

LEARN how to tune a piano using an ETD and get PURE & STABLE unisons!

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