
How to Tune Pianos

The Hobby, Skill, and Career of Piano Tuning

By Mark Cerisano

Have you ever wondered if your temperament is good enough to pass the RPT exam?

Are you having trouble trying to figure out how to use an ETD to score your aural temperament?

Before taking the RPT exam, I measured my tunings and used the ETD to give myself an idea if I was ready or not. This is a very good idea, especially now that you have to pay to take the RPT exam.

But now there is a better way to test your temperament than trying to figure out how to use the ETD to do it. Just follow these simple steps and you will know exactly how good your aural temperament is.

  1. Tune and record all the M3’s and P4’s in your temperament octave. (Single strings)
  2. Contact Me and send me the recordings.

    That’s it!

Example of recorded M3’s

Example of recorded P4’s

For Part A of the aural tuning exam, you need to tune the temperament aurally. (as of June 2019)

In order to pass this part of the exam, you need to get as close to equal temperament as possible.

That means you have to tune progressive M3’s (each chromatic M3 must increase in speed smoothing and evenly) and all the P4 must be uniformly wide.

After you send me your recording, I will create a report that will show you how good your tuning is and if you are ready to take Part A of the Aural RPT Exam.

I will send you back a report containing:

  1. A recording of your filtered M3’s and P4’s so you can listen and hear the specific beating partials.
  2. A graph of your beat speeds so you can see how they progress.
  3. A percentage mark that gives you an idea of how good your temperament is. (You will need 80% to pass.)
  4. An analysis of your temperament notes to show you how to fix your tuning and what notes need correcting.

This refinement explanation alone is worth gold if you do not have a procedure for finding and correcting errors in your temperament.

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