
The Bisecting Beat Speed Windows System of the Go A.P.E. Method allows for incredible Accuracy, Precision, and Efficiency.

The elements of the system that allow it to be so powerful are:

  1. Aurally Measuring Inharmonicity to know which of Three Different Sequences to use, allowing more accurate pitch setting and less refinement needed.
  2. Each pitch is set exactly halfway between two already tuned intervals (the Window) allowing more precision and accuracy.
  3. Before tuning a pitch, its “Window” of slow-fast beating must be confirmed. If the Window has disappeared (beating now as slow-slow for example), we can easily find out which note has drifted and correct it. This is the “Self-Correcting” feature of the method.

The general procedure of tuning the temperament using Beat Speed Windows has three sections:

  1. The Common Start which are the first steps used to tune all pianos.
  2. The "Sequences" which are chosen specifically for tuning F#3 and A#3 for our specific piano.
  3. The Common Ending which is how all pianos are finished

​The Common Start
1. Tune A4 (25% over/under pull if needed) (Separate Course)​
2. Tune A3A4
3. Tune F3F4
4. Temporarily set F3A3 to 7bps
5. Set C#4 within the Lower Skeleton (F3A3-A3C#4-C#4F4)
6. Accurately set F4 within the Upper Skeleton (A3C#4-C#4F4-F4A4)
7. Correct F3 if needed.
8. Accurately set D4 within F3A3 and A3C#4.

​The Sequences
1. Tune F#3 and A#3 using the Small Scale Sequence*,
​2. Tune F#3 and A#3 using the ​Medium Scale Sequence*,
​3. Tune F#3 and A#3 using the ​Large Scale Sequence*,

*The sequence is determined when F3F4 and A3A4 are tuned.

​The Common Ending
​Each note is tuned to another already tuned note and set to a Medium speed that is exactly halfway between two already tuned intervals.

The procedure is to confirm that the two already tuned intervals (The Window) still beat Slow and Fast before tuning the Medium interval between them. If the Window does not beat Slow-Fast, then it is​ corrected by finding the interval note that doesn't fit the way it was originally tuned.

In this way, we correct notes before the temperment is finished, and before they are used to tune other notes. Very Accurate, Precise, and Efficient!

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