
Finally! Learn How to Tune a Piano
Without Breaking the Bank!

For years now we've been teaching the highly accurate, precise, and efficient Go A.P.E. System through the International Piano Technicians School (See IPTS.online) using expensive one-on-one private lessons. These lessons are very effective for two reasons. 1) We use an evaluation system that is easy to understand and helps students know exactly how and where to improve, and 2) students get live feedback and answers to their questions.

Now, we have finally created a new course that does the exact same thing and costs one-quarter the price!

Why are we doing this?

For years, we have been accepting students who have gone through other online piano tuning programs and say, "I took those other courses and scored high on the exams, but I still can't tune a piano!"

They were so upset, and so were we, that we said, "Enough is enough! We've got to help more people learn how to tune pianos!" So that's why we created our new course. Introducing,

The All New Piano Tuning Videos Series Course with Personalized Feedback!


Click the SIGN UP button to start your new piano tuning career today! →

You get the exact same training as our more expensive Mentor Program but you do not have to attend fixed online private lessons that have to happen at the same time each week.

Get access to all the videos, exercises, quizzes, and articles that explain exactly how we've trained hundreds of professional piano technicians in the past.

Get access to the same training resources that our private students have for a full two years instead of only one year like most other online piano tuning courses.

The vast majority of our students finish the course in one year but the amazing thing is, because you don't have to wait a full week to get your assignments marked, you can actually finish the course in much less time than most students and we are excited to see people doing exactly that in our new piano tuning video series course with personalize feedback.

How Do We Do It?

Watching videos, reading articles, doing exercises, and taking quizzes aren't much different than what all those other courses have. So how is it we have been able to train people to get and keep concert level customers like concert halls, music festivals, and professional musicians?

Carroll Stevens, APTE
2023 Graduate

Carroll Stevens is an example and proof that our system works. He started his training knowing almost nothing about piano tuning and only two years later was able to land and keep the Halcyon International Music Festival as a concert level customer

One of Mr. Steven's tunings at the Halcyon Music Festival 2023.

Bandpass Filters!

Simply stated, bandpass filters allow you to hear exactly what professional concert level technicians hear, and when you can hear what they hear, tuning a piano to a high level is a piece of cake.

Most other courses use electronic tuning devices (called ETDs) to measure a tuning, if they use anything at all. ETDs have errors in them and anyway, they only measure frequency. We do not listen to frequencies when we tune a piano so why would we measure them? We listen to intervals and that's what we measure at IPTS.

Bandpass filters allow us to precisely measure intervals and score your assignments accurately. We filter the intervals so you can hear where you can improve.

We've learned that if we show the student what their tunings sound like, they are more motivated and excited to improve and they learn to improve on their own.

The Go A.P.E. System

It is so difficult to wade through all the information out there on how to tune a piano. At IPTS, we did the work for you.

We've identified all the tried and true techniques that all the masters use and developed a few of our own that making learning even easier, and we call our system the Go A.P.E. System for more Accurate, Precise, and Efficient tunings.

Here is just one example of the common instructions that don't work given to beginners by other schools. They say things like "P4 beat wide at 1 beat per second" or "P5 beat narrow at 3 beats in 5 seconds." These are not helpful because it's impossible to set beat rates to these speeds and P4 don't beat at 1 bps for example. They beat between 0.8 bps and 1.2 bps and that's just in the middle octave! The errors of just that one assumption are huge and result in beginners getting confused when their tunings don't sound right. If you want to learn how to tune a piano you can't be guessing.

That's where Go APE shines. You will learn how to measure the specific piano so that the steps you take to tune it will be the correct ones for that specific piano. When you do that, you make less mistakes, and piano tuning becomes a joy instead of a frustration. We've seen it. We've been there.

Become a Professional Piano Technician!

Start your training now!

Unisons, Unisons, Unisons. 

Just like the famous real estate quote for the three most important elements of a real estate property (location, location, location), the three most important elements of a tuning are Unisons, Unisons, Unisons.

We train you how to get rock solid unisons with superior stability so those unisons stay in tune longer!

We do that by teaching you how to use double string unison (DSU) and non-speaking length (NSL) tension analysis. With these two techniques alone, we've seen students get and keep concert pianists as customers and get all their students as customers as well, even tuning with only an ETD.. That's how important unisons are to your customers.

Hear What Excited Students Have to Say About the Go APE System!

Carroll Stevens, APTE
IPTS Graduate,
Concert Technician, NY

"The IPTS method helped me to 'get it' right away and understand what works and why. I highly recommend IPTS as a school if you want to hone your craft."

Mindy Rawlinson 
Piano Teacher
Austin TX

"IPTS is able to combine science and art to create an experience that is imbues the student with confidence as they learn."

Ross Ferkett, APTU
IPTS Graduate
Piano Technician WI

"The IPTS system makes information available to new tuners in a way that results in high quality tunings in a very short amount of time!"

Nathaniel LeNasa
Concert Pianist, NYC

"I never thought I would be able to learn this much completely remote! It's a compete joy to work with Mark each week!"

Simon Fox

"After learning this tuning system I was able to improve on tunings that were made in my recording studio by concert technicians hired to do a concert tuning for me. I learned how to do this without a lot of time; I didn't have the time and I didn't need the time."

Scott Copeland, RPT
Piano Technician
Garland TX

"Thanks to the training I received at IPTS, I have no more endless refining of a bad temperament."

This is for you if you want to be the best!

Finally, a way to learn how to tune a piano to a high level without paying for private lessons. Get personalized feedback. Hear what concert tuners hear.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will this training help me prepare for the RPT tuning exam.
A: The RPT exam uses single strings for almost all the notes. While you won't be able to use the super powerful DSU technique in the exam, you won't need to. After taking our training your ears will be so good that you will know exactly where to put the pitches of the single strings. We always have piano technicians training with us for the RPT exam and many of our graduates have already become RPTs.

Q: Will the APTU certification be recognized?
A: While the school is still new, our graduates are shaking up the piano tuning world and as more and more graduates enter the work force, we foresee a time when the APTU certification will prove to anyone who cares, that you can not only tune a piano, but tune it to an extremely high level.

Q: What happens after I graduate?
A: We will help you any way we can to get work. In fact, we are working on creating an army of technicians who can do what many piano owners complain their technicians can't do and that's tune clean and stable unisons. Our system is so good at teaching you to do that, and the piano world is having such a hard time finding technicians who have this one important skill, that we have decided this is the only way to ensure they get it; create our own piano technician network. This is still a new idea but if you get certified now, you will be getting in on the ground floor. It's all a bit hush, hush now but we are very hard at work creating this new piano technician network and we want you to be part of it.

Q: Can I use this program to learn how to tune using an ETD?
A: Yes! The three most important elements of a great tuning are unisons, unisons, and unisons, remember? So whether you tune with an ETD or by ear, this training will help you get exactly what you need to make any tuning superior.

Who This Training Is Not For!

  • While this training has helped people get concert-level results in record time, it is not for people looking for a quick way to learn how to tune. It is focused and clear, meaning you will know exactly what to work on, but you will still need to do the work.
  • This training requires you to understand concepts and use logic. You do not have to have excelled at other academic courses like engineering, computer science, law, medicine, etc., but it helps if you have an analytical mind.
  • Also, it is not for people who have difficulty following through with a project. If that's you, this program won't help you. You have to finish it to get the results.

Now that you know everything there is to know about why you should take our training, why not sign up right away and start your new life chapter. Learn how to tune a piano to a high level by taking our new Piano Tuning Video Course with Personalized Feedback and start on your road to a new and better career today!

START your Go APE Training Today!

Get the same training as our private lessons course at a fraction of the cost.