Do you live in a remote community with no piano technician?
Do you know people who want to learn how to tune a piano?
I have travelled great distances to provide piano tuning services to remote communities and educational opportunities in areas that lack a piano technology school.
My family and I are looking for travel opportunities and I am hoping some of my subscribers might have some ideas, or know of a place where my skills could be an asset.
I hope you find some places to teach, but I have a suggestion with your tuning course. It would be nice that along with teaching people how to tune you’d teach them how to make a treble string shift or a bass string splice just in case a new tuner does happen to break a string. I know that string repairs are in your basic repair course, but teaching new tuning students how to make strings repairs can help those students who fear breaking strings while tuning their first few pianos. Also, it’ll be an incentive for them to take the basic repair course as well (sort of like a preview into the basic repair course or a sneak peek).
I hope you find some places to teach, but I have a suggestion with your tuning course. It would be nice that along with teaching people how to tune you’d teach them how to make a treble string shift or a bass string splice just in case a new tuner does happen to break a string. I know that string repairs are in your basic repair course, but teaching new tuning students how to make strings repairs can help those students who fear breaking strings while tuning their first few pianos. Also, it’ll be an incentive for them to take the basic repair course as well (sort of like a preview into the basic repair course or a sneak peek).
Excellent suggestion!