If you have been looking for a piano tuning and repair program, you've probably found out how expensive formal programs can be. Much of the time you will spend in these programs will be spent practicing. Do you want to be paying a school so that you can practice!? Many technicians have learned on their own, with insightful guidance from experienced technicians, along with personal studying and taking courses. Through howtotunepianos.com, you can customize your own course and have an experienced technician and instructor teach it to you in-person or online. Once you decide what it is you are specifically interested in learning, areas that you know you need help in, or a general introduction, then you have the following choices: 1. Come to Montreal, Canada for a day, a week, or two weeks, even a month or two, or longer, as you wish, and I will teach these subjects to you at your level and help you excel in the areas you want to focus on. 2. Find other people in your city who are interested in the same subjects as you, or I can do some advertising, and I will travel to your city. I can even find a venue with pianos for us to work on. 3. Let me know what subjects you are interested in and if I do not have a video course on them already, I'll create one. 4. Study in-person from the comfort of your own home. Through Skype or Google Hangout, you can learn your subjects in real-time with a live instructor. Here is an example of the subjects you can learn: 1. Piano Tuning Theory. What is the math behind piano tuning. How do we use it to get the best tuning possible. 2. Tuning the Temperament. Different ways people go about it. 3. Tuning the Bass and Treble. How much to stretch. How to be precise. 4. Stability. What's going on with the tuning pin when we tune. How to get superior stability. How to use soft blow to protect your hearing. Different hammer techniques. 5. Advanced Open Unison Tuning Techniques. Single and double string unisons. etc... CONTACT ME now for more information

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