
An Easy Way to Regulate a Piano!

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Regulating pianos is the process of adjusting the distances between the different parts of the piano action.

We can adjust the distance that the key travels when you press it all the way down,

Key Dip

What is key dip

we can change the distance that the hammer is from the string at rest,

What is Blow Distance

What is key dip

we can change how close the hammer gets to the string when pressed very slowly.

What is Let Off

What is key dip

we can also change how far the key moves after it disengages with the hammer.

What is after touch

What is key dip


In order for you to completely understand how regulation works, you need a basic understanding before you can start using The Regulation Triangle.

If you have a basic understanding of regulation, then you know it can be difficult to adjust these settings. Sometimes one adjustment can affect another and/or ruin the feel, or even make the piano stop playing altogether. Yes, that can happen!

And just what are we supposed to do when those standard measurements don’t work?

That’s where the Regulation Triangle can help you.

By regulating the piano to have the best speed, power, and expression, we can play each of these settings off each other so that the piano has the best feel, which just makes the piano sound great and it also makes it fun to play!

The Regulation Triangle

Right now, I have produced a Video Book on the Regulation Triangle. You can purchase the Video book and finally get clarity on how to get the best feel from an upright or grand piano for only $67.00!

With the help of graphics and animations, I am able to show you exactly what to look for when regulating an upright or grand piano, so that the piano tells you what the best settings are for Let Off, Blow Distance, and Key Dip.

The video also describes pre-regulation steps – steps that are needed to be done before you regulate.

Finally, the video gives you the power to change settings so that you can get more power or more speed, for example, and still have a great “feel”.

To purchase this video to watch, simply click the button below.

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