Video Transcription
Hi. I'm Mark Cerisano from
Welcome to the Stability Course of the Go A.P.E. Aural Piano Tuning System.
This introduction video is just meant to give you an idea of how this course will be a little bit different than some other courses you might take or some other explanations that might be given to you when it comes to Stability.
So, traditionally, what I have found is that when people talk about stability they usually talk about what to do, and how to do it, in order to get stability.
So, they might say on an upright piano do this, on a grand piano, do this.
The problem with that…approach is that, when it doesn't work, what can you do? It doesn't work.
So, I'm taking this approach, and I've come at this problem, by trying to identify what's going on, when we tune the piano, and when we turn the pin.
What's happening to the tensions? What do the tensions have to be, in order to have a good stability?
Now, when it comes to determining whether these assumptions are correct or not, it's very difficult to actually get real numbers on the piano because there's no room for measurement devices like string gauges and such, to measure tensions. So, we have to go by the result.
In other words, [let's say] I'm tuning a piano and a string isn't stable.
If I'm not correct in my assumptions, then when I use those assumptions to come up with a new way [to tune the string]… it won't work.
What I have found is that over the years, I've made slight modifications to what I'm doing and how I'm thinking about it, so that, more and more, when I do something to the piano and the pin, and it doesn't work, and then when I do what I think would change the result, which you're going to learn about in this course, it works!
This gives me confidence that the system, the model that I've developed, accurately describes what is happening in the piano when we're tuning the string, and what we need to have happen in order to get the string to be stable.
So, in that way, I don't tell you, "Do this, do that." What I tell you is, "This is what we need. You can try this, and if it doesn't work, this is why it didn't work."
Then if you understand why it didn't work, then you can come up with what you need to do to change the result.
In the course there's a whole list of things that you can try. It's not a random, "Oh try this, try that". It's not a random selection of things. It's a logical sequence things you can do, in order to get the string to be stable.
The beauty of it, is that it works. For me, it works. But it is not the traditional way of teaching stability.
So, with that, I will leave it to you to start through the course, and as always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send me an email and ask.