This is a free analysis generated by a recording of M3’s and P4’s submitted to me by one of my subscribers.
Contact Me Now if you would like a free analysis of one of
your temperaments.
Piano: Unknown
Submitted by: 013
Goal: Chromatically increasing by 0% to 12%
Mark: 64% (Goal 80%)
M3, filtered:
M3, unfiltered:
Goal: 0.5 bps to 1.5 bps
Mark: 97% (Goal 80%) Very Good!
P4, filtered
P4, unfiltered
1. Listen to the recordings while looking at the graphs.
2. Listen to the filtered recordings and try to confirm aurally that the beat speeds are following what the graph says.
This improves your “Beat Speed Difference Sensitivity” – Your ability to hear small differences in beat speeds.
3. Listen to the unfiltered recordings and try to hear the specific beating partial within the unfiltered recording.
This improves your “Tuner’s Ear” – Your ability to filter frequencies at will.
Goal: Increase by 0% to 12% Increase by 12% to 24%: – Lose 3% Increase by more than 24%: – Lose 6% Slowing down by 0% to 12%: – Lose 3% – Lose 6% |
Goal: 0.5bps to 1.5bps wide 1.5bps to 2.5bps More than 2.5bps 0.5bps narrow to 0.5bps wide: More than 0.5bps narrow: |
You must understand interval sizes in the following courses:
Equal Temperament,
Wide, Narrow, and Pure Intervals,
in order to follow the logic explained below.
1. Pretty good except for a few notes.
2. Even though the P4 marks were good, the M3’s need some work.
3. If you can hear these problems, they can be corrected.
In refining a temperament, we identify two or more problems that suggest the same note may be too high or too low, and then change that note to fix multiple problems.
This reiterative method helps us improve the temperament bit by bit.
This is why it is imperative that, if you want to improve your aural tuning, you must improve your beat speed recognition.
Exercises like these can help greatly.
You are encouraged to read the analysis and confirm aurally that you can hear the findings, and understand how the improvements suggested would improve the beat speed progressions.
In this way, you will improve your ability to rationalize the logic, and improve your ear to be able to hear smaller and smaller beat speed differences.
Improving these skills will greatly improve your temperament.
Keep up the good work and don’t give up! You’re getting better all the time!