This is a traditional refinement procedure. It requires you to finish the temperament before you can have any insight. It also requires you to test multiple intervals before you get any valuable information.
The Go A.P.E. Sequence allows to to self correct before you are finished. Also, because of the incredible accuracy in the Go A.P.E method, you fix notes the way they were tuned. (No searching high and low for reasons why a note is wrong)
Analysis The interval speeds were not easy to analyze. We need to have the P4 closer to 1 bps. Some of the P4 were giving weird feedback since this test doesn't measure whether a P4 is wide or narrow. It assumes that P4 will be pure or wide, not narrow. Some of these P4 must have been narrow since there were a lot of conflicting feedback. The logic is that if a P4 is narrow at 1 bps for example, it will not lose marks, but the M3 will lose extra marks because the error is there, whether we can measure it or not.
The M3 mark is as low as it can be. Each M3 lost 6%, the maximum. The P4 mark was deceptively high. Some of the P4 were beating very fast.
The import thing to take away from this is, can we hear the errors, especially in the unfiltered sound.
Listen and confirm the graph is right. That's how the ear improves.
The next one will be much better. Trust me.
Traditional Refinement Procedure (Obsolete) In refining a temperament, we identify two or more problems that suggest the same note may be too high or too low, and then change that note to fix multiple problems.
This reiterative method helps us improve the temperament bit by bit.
This is why it is imperative that, if you want to improve your aural tuning, you must improve your beat speed recognition.
Exercises like these can help greatly.
You are encouraged to read the analysis and confirm aurally that you can hear the findings, and understand how the improvements suggested would improve the beat speed progressions.
In this way, you will improve your ability to rationalize the logic, and improve your ear to be able to hear smaller and smaller beat speed differences.
Improving these skills will greatly improve your temperament.
Keep up the good work and don't give up! You're getting better all the time! Mark
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