
​​​​Regulation and Voicing

This course contains lessons that deal with how to regulate, and voice a piano so it sounds and feels better to play.

Watch the FREE lessons below and then sign up for the repair course and get access to all the PAID lessons, PLUS all these courses:
- The Regulation Triangle
- Repair
- Repair and Regulation Recorded Class Videos

Get access to all the repair, regulation, and voicing courses for only $447. CLICK the PayPal link below to sign up:


Recorded Live Online Classes PAID

Modified Reblitz Regulation Steps - Upright  PAID

Modified Reblitz Regulation Steps - Grand  PAID

Pedals PDF FREE!

The Regulation Triangle PAID
An easy way to visualize how blow distance, let off, and key dip affect each other to produce proper after touch.


Voicing Video PAID

Voicing Video Slides PDF PAID

​Looking for more theory?

​Piano Tuning Theory by Mark Cerisano has you covered.