
How to Tune Pianos

The Hobby, Skill, and Career of Piano Tuning

By Mark Cerisano

How to Get Superior Unisons!

Piano tuning is a confusing landscape. There are so many people telling you this ETD is best, that temperament sequence is best. The truth is, you and your customers only want one thing - pure and stable unisons! And that's because they are so hard to find in the professional tunings that are being done out there today.

The problem is two fold: The unison needs to be stable (See the Superior Stability course) but first, the unison needs to be pure.

This is easier said than done. The problem is the tuner only knows the unison is not pure if they can hear beating partials, changing tone, etc. (Don't worry if you do not understand this. That is what we teach you in this course). But what does the tuner think if they do not hear the beating partials or changing tone when they are actually there? Exactly! Pure unison, when it is not! This is why so many professional tuners are tuning out of tune unisons, and charging big money for these sub-par tunings!

If this bothers you - if you're sick and tired of wasting money on tunings that sound "off" because the unisons were never pure to begin with, or you care about your customers and want to give them the best service possible - this course will teach you what pure unisons sound like, and how to be sure when you've got them.

This course will teach you how to tune pure unisons by explaining what to listen for. You will get examples of what a pure unison sounds like and you will be able to practice tuning pure unisons with our online tuning exercises.

→ Learn to hear beating partials.
→ Learn to hear the "word" that the out-of-tune unison is saying.
→ Understand what a pure unison sounds like.

→ Practice tuning pure unisons with our online piano tuning exercises.

Pure unisons are the #1 requirement for all good tunings and the #1 most difficult skill to find in a professional tuner. This course will make it easier for you to achieve this one skill that has alluded so many professional tuners.

Purchase How to Get Superior Unisons for only $497 by clicking the PAYPAL button below and start getting superior unisons, the #1 required skill of all good piano tuners!

If you're not sure, try out some of the FREE lessons below.

Piano Tuning Unison Theory
Lesson 1 - See Unison Partials with SoundBeam
Lesson 2 - How to Tune Really Clean Unisons. Listen to the "Word"
Lesson 3 - The Single String Test
Lesson 4 - DSU Procedure

Testing Unisons
Lesson 1 - Testing and Scoring Unisons Using Oceanaudio
Lesson 2 - How to Use Oceanaudio
Lesson 3 - How to Make Sure Your Unisons Are Pure and Your Intervals Are Pure

Unison Problems
Lesson 1 - False Beats
Lesson 2 - Tuning Out a False Beat
Lesson 3 - Weinrech Drift
Lesson 4 - Hammer Mating
Lesson 5 - Mismatched Strings
Lesson 6 - Blooming vs Dead Unisons
Lesson 7 - Unisons With No Tone

Unison Exercises
Exercise 1 - Train Your Ear to Hear Unison Partials
Exercise 2 - Tune Out Unison Partials
Exercise 3 - Tune an A4 to the ETD Using DSU


Get Your Unisons Evaluated - FREE!

Working Links
DSU Procedure - FREE PDF download! 
How to Test Unisons and Stability - FREE!
SEE Unison Partials with SoundBeam!
Unisons - Advanced Topic
Weinreich Drift - a reason to tune open unisons
False Beats

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