Introduction to Beat Speed Windows (FREE)
How It Works (FREE)
Octaves F3F4 and A3A4
Aurally Measuring Inharmonicity (Paid)
Different Octave Inharmonicities (Paid)
Octave Flow Charts (Free)
The Skeleton
Tuning the Skeleton (Paid) – Video of me doing it and a visual using pieces of paper.
Tuning the Skeleton (Paid) – Graphical video showing how the Skeleton works.
Online Ear Test for Tuning the Skeleton (Paid)
Tuning the Temperament F3F4
Temperament Sequence for Tuning an Accurate F3F4 Temperament - PDF (Paid)
Graphical Representation of the the Different Go APE Temperament Sequences (Paid)
Refining the Temperament (Paid)
Note Origins PDF (Paid)
Modified Go A.P.E. Sequence/Refinement - The Go A.P.E. Error (Paid)
Beat Speed Windows Sequence - Full Colour Flip Book (Open)
Beat Speed Windows Sequence - B/W Paperback (Open)
Beat Speed Windows Sequence - Full Colour eBook (Open)
Beat Speed Windows Sequence - B/W eBook (Open)
Inharmonicity Academic Article - Harvey Fletcher (Open)
Get Your Temperament Scored (Open)